How to Display your Mug and Tea Cup Collection

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How to Display your Mug and Tea Cup Collection


Mugs and cups are more than just a staple in the kitchen. They also serve as a mirror of who you are as a homeowner. They are a symbol of comfort and homeliness as well. You often get them as gifts and sometimes you can’t help but buy when you see a really cute or unique cup at a store. Next thing you knew,you have way more than what you need. But you’re not complaining because they are nice items to collect and you are emotionally attached to them.

Thinking about displaying your collection of mugs and cups? Here are some nice ideas to try.

Hanging rail display

Install a utensil rail on a vacant wall to hang your precious collection. You can place it on the splashback or under a floating cabinet. This does not only serve as a smart storage but also a nice accent to your kitchen. Rearrange them once in a well to refresh the look and feel.

Peg board

A peg board is also a nice place to showcase your mugs and cups. All you need is a bunch of hooks for you to hang them. What’s best about a peg board is you can customize it based on your style preferences. Another thing is you can incorporate other items for display such as photos and just about anything crafty.

Pallet rack

If you want to go a little rustic with your display,get a pallet and use it as rack for your collection on the wall. Install some good-sized hooks and you are ready to arrange your mugs and cups. You can display here anything from a humble tea cup to a fancy astier de villatte mug.

These are only three of the many ways to display your collection. You can find a lot of racks and organizers in the market,but you always have the option to take a DIY project. The possibilities are actually endless when you use your imagination and craftiness.